Sunday, April 22, 2012

BILINGUAL- Websites Linls


Bilingual Education Resources On the Internet

A web site from the University of Texas that features digital links to world wide web pages sites related to bilingual education.

BUENO Center for Multicultural Education

Website of the BUENO Center at the School of Education of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Contains the National Directory of Teacher Preparation (Preservice and Inservice) Programs for Teachers of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students, links to other sites, presentations by Leonard Baca, and list of Center publications.

Center for Applied Linguistics

The Center for Applied Linguistics aims to promote and improve the teaching and learning of languages. The website contains information on a wide range of topic areas in language education and other areas of interest for teachers of language minority students, a calendar of events, links to other sites, and more.

Center for Bilingual Education Research (CBER)

Based at the University of Southern California, the center offers information on research collaboration, dissemination, and professional development activities for faculty and college students interested in multilingual, ESL, and foreign language education. The site include links to other language education Web sites.

Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence CREDE

Based in the University of California, Santa Cruz, the mission of CREDE is to develop research and discuss critical issues in the education of linguistically and cultural minorities students. The web site provides resources for teacher education, online documents, publications and links to other web sites related to language minority education.

Consejeria de Educacion y Ciencia

Education and Science Council of the Embassy of Spain in USA. The mission of the Council is to develop the educational policy of the embassy of Spain in USA and Canada. The whole site is in Spanish language. Las secciones de él son: quienes somos y que hacemos, servicios y programas, enlaces (links) de interes, y una extensa lista de publicaciones en espanol disponibles en los EEUU.

Dave's ESL Cafe

Web site for students and teachers of English as a second language and English as a foreign language. Features bookstore, forums and chat, and links to other sites in the field. Include also sections on idioms, phrasal verbs, quizzes, slang, ESL teachers' and students' message exchange and other resources for English language teaching and learning.

ERIC Clearinghouse in Languages and Linguistics ERIC/CLL

CLL is an ERIC Clearinghouse specialized in language education and linguistics. Includes free services such as a digest, short bibliographies, a semianual newsletter (Language Link Online Newsletter), and a question-answer channel.

ESL Magazine Online

Web site of ESL Magazine, with news, stories, articles, jobs opportunities, and advertisements in the field of ESL. Includes many useful links to other sites, including online dictionaries in several languages, ESL teachers' home pages, E-mail programs, lesson plans, and fun sites for ESL students.

James Crawford's Language Policy Web Site and Emporium

Web site devoted to the discussion of English Only, language rights, California's Proposition 227, and other language policy issues in the United States. Has a good page of links to recent research in bilingual education.

Los Andes

Textbook distributor specializing in Spanish language instructional materials. The digital catalog features resources for teaching Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies in Spanish. Includes software, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and best sellers (novels) in Spanish. Also includes Spanish and English reading textbooks.

Multilingual Education Technology Consulting

Web site of Ana Bishop's consulting service for technology resources for native language, foreign language, and ESL teachers. Site is in English, Spanish and French.

National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education (NCBE)

Web site of NCBE, the National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education. Founded by the US Department of Education, NCBE collects, analyzes, and disseminates information related to language minority education issues. In addition to the digital library and file, it has a monthly free service of E-Mail with current information in the field. For directions on how to request this free service see Special NCBE Newsline.

Portraits of Success

A national database of exemplary bilingual schools and programs, created by the National Association for Bilingual Education, Boston College and the Northeast and Islands Regional Educational Laboratory at Brown University.

Santillana USA Publishing Company

Web site of Santillana, publisher of English/Spanish bilingual instructional materials for all subjects and grades. The digital catalog includes descriptions of educational resources in Spanish such as the Enciclopedia Interactiva Santillana (digital) and other Spanish-language software. Look for software information within the site.

Scholastic: Internet Resources for Bilingual Education and ESL

Scholastic is a publisher specialized in resources for education for teachers, kids, and parents. To find resources in the field of Bilingual education and English as a second language do a search using "Bilingual and ESL." This section also features links to other sites related to the education of language minority students.

Sites for ESL

From Dr. Sheila Gersh of the Center for School Development at the City College of New York.

TESOL Online

Homepage of TESOL, the professional association for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Includes an online catalog, information on innovative programs, the ESL standards, and an online career center.

The Internet TESL Journal

Monthly digital journal for teachers of English as a second language. Published since 1995, it features articles, research papers, lesson plans, classroom handouts, teaching ideas and links to other sites in the field.
Action Research Web Sites

Hot Topics: Action Research/Teacher as Researcher

A page of links to action research resources on the web from McREL.

Internet Resources For Participatory Action Research

WEB Links to Participatory Action Research Sites from Goshen College.

Action Research: Making Sense of the Data

An on-line article about action research by Dr. A. Christine Miller of Florida Atlantic University.

Professional Development and Action Research

Feature article by Gordon T. Brockerville in the online journal PROSPECTS.

Action research resources

Lots of AR online resources, maintained by the Southern Cross College in Australia.

Educational Action Research

Educational Action Research is a fully-refereed online international journal concerned with exploring the unity between educational research and practice. The impetus for Educational Action Research comes from CARN, the Collaborative Action Research Network, and it is hoped by means of the journal to extend and strengthen this international network. Published by Triangle Journals.

What Is Action Research?

An online article from AEL's School Services Center.

Teacher action research at AEL

Online resources for teachers from AEL, including an action research listserv.

Search eLibrary - Action Research

Find articles with information about action research at Electric Library, which contains over 3 million documents from thousands of newspapers, magazines, books, other sources.

Of General Interest to Educators

Teaching Diverse Learners

The "Teaching Diverse Learners" web site is dedicated to teachers of culturally and linguistically diverse learners and provides access to research-based information for application in the classroom. The intent of the site is to enhance the capacity of teachers to work effectively and equitably with all students.

The Knowledge Loom

A growing, searchable database of best practice resources. Current spotlights on early literacy, middle school math, professional development, technology leadership. Soon to come: spotlights on school-family-community partnerships and cultural relevance in teaching.

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